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Kubernetes for Developers (CKAD) - EN

Course covering all topics for the CKAD certification in english

  • Ended
  • 500 euros
  • Online

Service Description

This course covers all topics needed by developers who need to use Kubernetes. Topics are all required for the official CKAD certification by CNCF. Topics: Core Concepts - APIs and resources - Pods and namespaces Pod Design - Labels and selectors - Annotations - Deployments Networking - Services - Ingress Configuration - ConfigMaps - Resources - Secrets - Resource Quotas - Limit range State Persistence Observability Fundamentals - Liveness and Readiness Probes - Pod Logs Jobs and Cronjobs - Job - CronJob Security - Security context - Service Accounts - Roles and RoleBindings - Kubernetes network policies Usage of Helm for managing deployments Multi-container pods - Init container - Sidecar Advanced Deployment Strategies - Blue-Green Deployment - Canary Deployment Custom Resource Definitions

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